
Homegrown Video has been producing homemade adult content since 1982 and is highly respected in the industry. The website thrives on the support of a dedicated community of users and surfers. They actively contribute their own films and photos to the library, while also appreciating the content uploaded by others. There are thousands of videos available from the start and new updates are added every day, making this site a great choice for anyone interested in authentic handmade action. Homegrown Video has been the leader in the amateur sector since 1982. Once camcorders became widely available, people quickly embraced the opportunity to connect with others who were interested in sharing their homemade videos.

There are several download options available at the library, but it's worth noting that the most recent standard formats tend to favor Windows Media formats. We offer four different download options for you to choose from, each varying in size and quality. The first option is the highest quality format, which is a 640x480 screen (2.5 mbits) download. After that, you can proceed to download a screen with a size of 480x360 pixels, which has a file size of 2.5 mbits. Once that's done, you can then download the same screen size but with a reduced bit rate of 1.4 mbits, resulting in a smaller file. You can opt for a compact and portable WMV download that comes with a 240x180 screen and is less than 1 mbits in size.

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